
Learning through play, reality or a myth?

Learning through play at Foundree

The Power of Play in Early Education In a society filled with technology, Foundree Preschool and Daycare takes a stand for its unique approach to education. At Foundree, we believe in the transformative power of learning through play. “Learning through play” – isn’t a mere tagline for us; it’s the very essence of our educational […]

When to Start Preschool: Finding the Optimal Age for Admission

When to Start Preschool: Finding the Optimal Age for Admission

Are you wondering about the ideal age for preschool and the right time to enroll your child? Deciding when to start preschool is a significant choice for parents. It’s essential to understand the preschool admission age, age requirements, and the benefits of starting preschool early. This article will guide you in making an informed decision. […]

Categorized as Pre School

Dussehra Celebration in Preschool: Embracing Tradition and Values

Dussehra Celebration in Preschool: Embracing Tradition and Values

Dussehra, the triumph of good over evil, is not just a festival; it’s a celebration of values and traditions. In preschool, the significance of Dussehra can be introduced in a way that young children can understand and embrace. This article explores the Dussehra celebration in preschool, how it connects with Indian culture, and the moral […]

Enhancement of collaborative and critical thinking skills in children at Foundree

Enhancement of collaborative and critical thinking skills in children at Foundree

 In today’s times, where teamwork, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities are highly valued, it becomes absolutely essential to nurture these skills from an early age.  Collaboration encourages children to work together, share ideas, and respect diverse perspectives. In addition to improving their social skills, this also gets students ready for the collaborative aspect of life outside […]

Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten? Use Our Checklist to Find Out!

Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten? Use Our Checklist to Find Out

The transition from preschool or early childhood education to kindergarten is a significant milestone in a child’s life. Ensuring your child is adequately prepared for kindergarten is crucial for their academic and social development. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive checklist to help you assess your child’s readiness for kindergarten and guide you […]

How Daycare Supports Working Parents: A Win-Win Solution

How Daycare Supports Working Parents: A Win-Win Solution

In today’s fast-paced world, working parents often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities. Balancing a demanding career with raising children can be challenging, but daycare centres offer a win-win solution that benefits both parents and their little ones. In this article, we will explore the ways in which daycare supports working parents and promotes early childhood […]

Categorized as daycare

Everything You Need to Know about Foundree’s Personalised Learning

Personalised Learning approach

Nowadays, it is critical to remain up to date on modern teaching approaches that accommodate students’ different learning demands. Foundree distinguishes itself by its distinctive and customised approach to early childhood education. This article delves deep into the intricacies of Foundree’s teaching model, shedding light on its distinctive features, benefits, and the impact it has […]

Indoor Toddler Activities: Fun and Educational Ideas for Active Little Ones

Indoor Activities for Toddlers: Combining Fun and Education

Keeping toddlers engaged and entertained indoors can be both a creative challenge and a delightful adventure. Toddlers and kids aged 3 to 6 years are bundles of energy and curiosity, eager to explore the world around them.  There are many exciting and educational indoor activities for toddlers to captivate and make learning engaging. These activities […]

7 Creative Art Projects for Preschoolers to Enhance Development

Creative Art Activities for Preschoolers

A preschool or a daycare centre must provide a lively and fun environment that fosters the vibrant and imaginative personalities of its young learners. It is where the power of creativity and hands-on learning is unleashed, enhancing the development of the chirpy and enthusiastic young minds.  The educational activities for kids must be designed to […]

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